i'm feeling completely helpless with the oil pouring into the earth's beautiful waters, and i find i'm looking in every direction with big eyes, and a saddened spirit for answers as to how to assimilate this in my heart. not just the answers as how to fix the big picture - i am well aware of how i too am a contributing piece to our reliance on oil and how it powers most aspects of the way i live, and i live with the magnified awareness of this each and every day - but how to also feel like i can do something to help heal the nurturing waters and the life that exists within them. in every place that i am seeking answers, prayer and compassion show up as a way we can respond from our hearts.
i came across this today and wanted to share it for anyone else that, like me, is yearning for a way to be a part of the healing:
it is a time to bring all our gifts to the world in a way that is responsible and with integrity. every gift of prayer you can make to water at this time is needed, it is taking a sacred action. so if you are feeling helpless or powerless about what is happening in the gulf, go to any water near you and make an offering of herbs (sage) medicine. organize an event near a water hole and create a prayer gathering. and if you are in a dry land, fill a bowl of water, make a prayer for the ocean and yourself and pour it every day onto the soil or in a plant pot. these are all gifts for healing the waters. ~ mbali for ubuntu humanity
intention, compassion, prayer, love, healing, hope. pass it on. xo
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