really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great. ~ mark twain
"a classic creative buzz kill is thinking that you just don’t have the talent that other people have. but the truth is that most people are born with a drive that they work on and perfect which then becomes a talent......everyone starts somewhere, and for most of us, it’s at the bottom." ~ from creativity boot camp, day 3
creative word prompt: mulitlayered
on tuesday after work, i went out to battle point park on bainbridge island to get a shot of this water tower, and the other two shots were taken in the morning with that outing in mind. 3 shots taken on day 3, then layered on top of each other exactly as shot.
this prompts me to want to do more with double and triple exposures on film - i love the element of mystery that comes with it. yes, i do believe these assignments are stirring things up in me :)
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