photo by kristin zecchinelli
recently my dear friend kristin in maine made me the most beautiful gift. it didn't have a ribbon, wasn't wrapped, and not even in a package, yet this grand gift brought me to sweet weepy tears. she gave me a walk. oh yes, a walk. she took me on a mini journey in her neighborhood. through the lens of her camera and her soulful spirit we walked together, even though i wasn't physically there. we looked up at trees, we studied the details of the ground, we went to a diner, we had a great day. and i get to take this walk as many times as i need to to soothe me like only walks can.
of course the only proper way to show her how moved and grateful i was to receive this mondo cool gift, would be to take HER on a walk here in the pacific northwest. and it's a fact that i'm already crazy about the great outdoors and taking walks and exploring, but knowing i was going to be walking with kristin made it an event that i couldn't wait to get underway! i was truly excited to get out on that walk and share it with her.
then something wonderful happened. we both felt the power of these gestures, how good it made us feel, and how it combined everything we love to do. it was an organic blossoming from our passions, an unfolding of ideas. what if we shared walks with other people? yes. and started a site, where these walkers and their walks could be featured? yes. and continued to share our own walks too? yes yes!
and so a collaboration was born. and word spread quickly - so quickly in fact that a group was created today for zealous walkers to stage their walks until the new site was ready. imagine being able to enjoy a walk in a sunny place when one's spirit is sinking, or satisfying a craving for a big city adventure - what possibilities.
"if you are walking to seek, ye shall find." - sommeil liberosensa
oh yes, this is going to be a very very good thing.
grateful today for: collaborating, creating, and connecting through art