truth is, these thanksgiving-festivities-slash-holiday-retail-hours shenanigans are kicking my arse a bit. the repercussions? a brain much like a doorknob. i actually convinced myself this evening that it would be ok to throw in the towel on this nablopomo deal just 3 days shy of pulling it off.
but then i saw this. and well, now i feel like i'm in it for the team, and there's no way i'm letting down the team, mm..mmmm. not after those kind words. so i pulled on the boot straps, and here is the conversation that followed:
d: ricky, i have to do a post, but i got nothing. i'm blank. i can't think of anything to write.
r: well, you could write about how i totally messed up the dinner i tried to put together for you tonight.
r: or you could write about the shoplifter in your store today.
r: or you could write about how my crazy latin mother came into town to torture us for thanksgiving.
r: or you could write about how jasmine got into the raisins today and we came home to dog vomit.
r: see, it practically writes itself!
r: dani?
yep. this is good stuff. luckily, you're all on holiday weekend and likely to miss this altogether.
grateful today for: "r"ice cream, faithy, sundays, lyrics that get stuck in my head and make me smile each time i sing them
"who wears boots and a suit of red......"